English for Business 1

English Language Courses
3 hrs/week, 16 weeks
This course exposes low-intermediate students to essential business-related vocabulary and concepts from a variety of topics, such as careers, companies, marketing, and business planning. In addition to improving their general English proficiency through exercises in reading, writing, listening and speaking, students develop specific business-related communication skills, including exchanging information, giving and asking for opinions, participating in simple meetings, and writing email and letters summarizing decisions made. Students are challenged to apply their learning in authentic speaking tasks, such as role plays and case study analysis and discussion. Finally, students extend and reinforce their learning by completing a multi-part Capstone project: proposing, researching, and presenting a new product.
Face to Face on Campus
Learning Model
Academic Course
Verbal Communication Skills,
Intercultural Competence,
Critical Thinking,
Writing Skills