Graduate Student Success and Academic Skills

Campus Acculturation Courses
1 hr/week, 1 term
This course, which is a combination of workshops, is designed to help you succeed in your graduate studies. You will learn how to use the many resources available on your university campus. You will also gain information that will help you notice your own cultural assumptions and adjust to new expectations. Some workshops will help you develop practical techniques for resolving both personal and academic issues. For example, you will explore U.S. expectations for classroom behavior, academic integrity, and communication with professors and classmates. You will also practice graduate writing, presentation, and listening and notetaking skills. This course will help you understand what is expected of you and how to build the skills you need to thrive academically during your graduate studies.
Face to Face on Campus,
Synchronous Online
Academic Integrity,
Study Skills,
Mental Health,
Presentation Skills,
Planning Skills,
Verbal Communication Skills,
Critical Thinking,
Writing Skills
cross-listed with Academic Skills