Student Success and Academic Skills

Academic Skills
1 hr/week, 1 term
This course, which is a compilation of workshops, is designed to help international undergraduate students gain the skills they need to succeed academically and personally at a U.S. university. Students learn about culture shock and how to manage their time and mental health, as well as how to make American friends to gain a sense of belonging. Students explore U.S. expectations for classroom behavior, academic integrity and communication with professors and classmates. They also practice essential academic skills, learning how to study effectively, read and remember, cite sources, participate in discussions and group projects, develop their listening competence, and improve their notetaking skills. The workshops provide students with resources for navigating a new university environment and a foundation for academic success.
Face to Face on Campus,
Face to Face on Campus with LMS Support,
Hybrid; Face to Face and Synchronous/Asynchronous Online,
Synchronous Online
Learning Model
Academic Course
Academic Integrity,
Study Skills,
Mental Health,
Planning Skills,
Verbal Communication Skills,
Critical Thinking,
Writing Skills
cross-listed with Campus Acculturation Courses